One from the archives. Welcome back Orchard Blossom
The Orchard Blossom Story
One night, a long, long time ago, in the pottery shed in Gembrook our Dad (Robert) put the finishing touches on what was to become our most famous collection - Orchard Blossom. OB, as she was affectionately known, was the single biggest range we have ever sold.
It was the 1990s and the market just LOVED anything hand-brushed, hand-painted. A juggernaut, a beast, a collectors dream, OB set the world on fire (well in the world of pottery anyway…). Back in the day, it wasn’t unusual for us to walk into a friends kitchen and see the ENTIRE sideboard covered in pieces of Orchard Blossom. The recipe for success was really quite simple - a couple of sponges with a peach coloured glaze, expertly curved into a round blossom, a splash of iron, a splash of rutile a bit of scraffiti (for details on the leaves) and hey, presto, there she was. Dad nailed it. That was until the market changed, and consumers no longer wanted little imperfections, hand-paints. Perfection was demanded and plain white, square dinner plates became all the rage. Until Now…

Proudly Made in Australia